Monday, March 26, 2018

The Texas Khanate

Hello world! The Texas Khanate is an affiliate chapter of the Mounted Archery Association of the Americas (or MA3 for short). We are a mounted archery club located in Needville, Texas which is just outside of Houston. We will be holding mounted archery practice on a monthly basis except for March and April when we are busy at Sherwood Forest Faire. We practice on foot at X10 Archery every Wednesday evening and are usually there from 6-8 pm. Right now, most of our internet activity can be found on Facebook at or follow us on Instagram @TheTexasKhanate

Chapter leader John on Strega at the South Texas Archery Riders International Competition 2018. Photo by Georges Schemagin

We are looking for members! At this time, we do not have regular loaner horses. Anyone is welcome to join and attend practices but you MUST be a current member of MA3 in order to ride at any practice, clinic, demonstration, or competition. Membership information can be found at and we do not charge a separate fee other than your MA3 membership to join our chapter. Just be sure to pick The Texas Khanate as the home chapter you are joining when you sign up.

No previous mounted archery experience in necessary to join. We can help you get started even if you have never picked up a bow! If you do not have any riding experience, we recommend finding a reputable instructor to teach you the basics of equitation. Look for instructors who specialize in dressage for what we feel is the best core foundation of riding skills to begin with. Any and all riding styles are welcome in mounted archery as well as all breeds of horses. Under MA3 rules, only traditional bows with no shelves are allowed. You may shoot thumb release or mediterranean style.

Chapter leader Michelle on Alpo at the South Texas Archery Riders International Competition 2018. Photo by Georges Schemagin
We currently use fiberglass Turkish bows from Alibow with bamboo arrows from the same maker and add Y-nocks from Vermil but are experimenting with other styles and makes of bows all the time. There are several highly recommended bow makers who provide bows for the mounted archery community. Our advice is to try out a few different ones before buying your first bow to find out what works best for you. If you come to one of our practices, we will have bows in the 18-45# range available to try.